The BUILD-IT Digital Pedagogy in Higher Education faculty development program was designed, developed, and implemented in collaboration with ASU and the six strategic institutional partners (IUH, UTE, UT, LHU, CTU, and DUT) to provide faculty with insights into best teaching practices for digital immersion learning in higher education in Vietnam. This 2-week, 20-hour training will cover everything from the operation definitions across the online learning spectrum to assessment in an online environment. The structure of the course allows for faculty to engage in asynchronous pre-learning activities on their own before meeting with colleagues during the virtual engagement sessions on weeks. Each week is concluded by a showcase session where faculty will be able to share their progress with the rest of the cohort. Faculty who participate in this training should expect to achieve these outcomes set by the core development team:

After the completion of the Digital Pedagogy in Higher Education training, faculty will be able to: 

1. Identify preferred teaching modality and how that aligns with university stakeholder’s interests and the university’s future strategy for digital education.

2. Differentiate between methodologies and best practices between a traditional face to face environment and an online environment.

3. Explore, assess, and integrate digital tools, platforms, and applications into both their traditional and online courses effectively.

4. Create an online learning environment conducive to providing students with pathways to help them achieve their learning objectives and course outcomes.